Google Translate has an easy to use text box that allows you to input text, a web page URL or upload an entire document.
The text box allows you to translate a single word, a phrase, an entire sentence, web page or a document.
- By translating a single word, you simply type the word in the text box and determine which language you are translating from and to. For example, if you type the word hello and have the text box translate from English to Spanish, the result will be hola.
- Translating a phrase works just as simple as typing a single word. For example, if you were to type the phrase "I love you", the translation in Spanish would be "te amo."
- To translate a web page URL, you would enter a URL and click translate. This tool will transform the entire web page into the language of your preference.
- A document translates by uploading the document and clicking translate. Just as the web page, the document will transform from the original text into the language you have chosen.
As you can see, this one text box offers many options to an individual or an organization. For instance, the use of translating an entire document could become beneficial to either when uploading a resume. If an individual spoke English but was applying to organization that predominantly spoke Spanish, this would allow an easier comprehension of your resume. Using the Google Translate text box could open up a larger realm of prospects.
Isn't it awesome the endless communication lines that Translate opens up? Wow!